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One Eternal Round Magazine

    One Eternal Round is a new magazine about Mormon history and Theology! The first issue was published June 15, 2019, and 24 issues have been published to date.
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Issues of One Eternal Round

Answering Questions and Contradictions to the Adam-God Doctrine

    Date: Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 9:50 PM

    To many mainstream Latter-day Saints the Adam-God Doctrine sounds silly, confusing, and contradictory to scripture. How do we reconcile the Adam-God Doctrine with scriptures that appear to contradict the belief that Adam is God the Father, that describe Adam being created by God out of dust, and that appear to describe Adam as a sinner in need of a Savior? This issue of One Eternal Round was written to try to comprehensively address these questions and offer new perspectives and insight into how the Adam-God Doctrine fits with what is taught in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and other revelations given through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Read More...

The Adam-God Doctrine in the Endowment

    Date: Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 9:40 PM

    How the Adam-God Doctrine either is supported or contradicted by the Endowment ceremony is a subject both proponents and detractors of the Adam-God Doctrine have interest in. This paper was written to explore the historical understanding of the Endowment ceremony and how it relates to the Adam-God Doctrine: Was the Adam-God Doctrine taught in the early Mormon Endowment ceremony? How does the Adam-God Doctrine fit with the Endowment teaching that Elohim, Jehovah, and Michael created this world? These questions and others will be explored in this paper. Additionally, a history of the evolution in the understanding of the title Jehovah in early Mormonism is included as an appendix to this paper. Read More...

A History of the Adam-God Doctrine

    Date: Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 9:30 PM

    This paper explores the history of Joseph Smith’s teachings about Adam, as well as the genesis of the Adam-God Doctrine and its integration into LDS belief and worship in the 19th century. It explores which apostles supported the Adam-God Doctrine and who opposed it. It also dives into the demise of the Adam-God Doctrine as it began to be de-emphasized and ultimately disavowed by later Church leaders. Read More...

An Introduction to the Adam-God Doctrine

    Date: Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 9:20 PM

    What exactly is the Adam-God Doctrine? This paper was written to be a simple introduction to the Adam-God Doctrine, as well as other foundational Mormon doctrines necessary to know about in order to understand it. Read More...

The Exaltation of the Apostleship

    Date: Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 9:10 PM

    This paper explores what the authority and calling of the office of an Apostle is, as well as what Joseph Smith taught about the office of a Seventy, explores the historical development of how these offices were understood after the death of the Prophet, and contrasts Joseph Smith’s teachings about what is the highest priesthood to what was taught after his death. Read More...

Succession to Brigham Young

    Date: Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 9:00 PM

    Whether Brigham Young was considered to be a Prophet of God and Joseph Smith’s rightful successor is becoming a more popular question in some Latter-day Saint circles. This paper was written to address those questions. Additionally this paper explores new evidence whether the August 1844 Transfiguration of Brigham Young was a real event or a later “Mormon myth,” as well as to explore the historical context of the Reorganization of the First Presidency in December 1847 and whether there was a revelation directing the apostles to make that decision. Read More...

Joseph Smith’s Polygamy: Fact or Fiction?

    Date: Monday, October 19, 2021 at 2:30 PM

    Recently there has been a growing movement to question the historical narrative of the LDS Church. Brigham Young and the apostles in Utah proclaimed that Joseph Smith had introduced the doctrine of plural marriage in secret in the years shortly before his death. In contrast, Emma Smith and her children who led the RLDS Church declared that Joseph Smith was a monogamist. Could the apostles have fabricated the evidence that Joseph Smith was the founder of polygamy? This paper explores this historical question. Read More...

The Council of Fifty as a Priesthood Body

    Date: Monday, October 19, 2021 at 1:30 PM

    Was the Council of Fifty intended to be a priesthood body? This issue of One Eternal Round explores the subject. Read More...

The Priesthood Ban and the Scriptures

    Date: Monday, October 19, 2021 at 12:45 PM

    Is there material in LDS scripture that contradicts or supports the racial restrictions instituted by early LDS leaders? This issue of One Eternal Round explores this topic. Read More...

New Light on the Origin of the Priesthood Ban

    Date: Monday, October 19, 2021 at 12:30 PM

    New evidence regarding the origin of the racial priesthood and temple restrictions in the LDS Church has come to light. Was Brigham Young really the author of priesthood restrictions? Or did these teachings originate with Joseph Smith? This issue of One Eternal Round explores this historical subject. Read More...

The Restoration of Adamic Ordinances, Part 2

    Date: Monday, October 19, 2021 at 12:15 PM

    Joseph Smith and other early Church leaders taught that pre-Mosaic priesthood ordinances from the time of Adam would be restored as part of the Restoration of All Things. At the October 1840 General Conference Joseph Smith even taught that Animal Sacrifice would again be practiced. This paper explores the history of Church leaders teaching that animal sacrifice would be restored, from the early 19th century to the 20th century. Read More...

The Restoration of Adamic Ordinances, Part 1

    Date: Monday, October 19, 2021 at 12:00 PM

    Joseph Smith taught that all pre-Mosaic priesthood ordinances practiced from the time of Adam to Moses would be restored as part of the Restoration of All Things. At the October 1840 General Conference he even taught that Animal Sacrifice would be restored. How would this fit with the Bible and Book of Mormon, as well as our understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ? Didn’t the Atonement of Jesus Christ end the need for Animal Sacrifice? This issue of One Eternal Round explores the theology of these questions. Read More...

The Council of Fifty and its Activities

    Date: Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 10:00 PM

    The Council of Fifty was the last organization established by Joseph Smith, only a few months before his death. What were the activities of that body? What did Joseph Smith teach was the purpose of the organization? This issue of One Eternal Round explores these historical questions. Read More...

Women and the Priesthood

    Date: Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 8:00 PM

    Did church leaders and women in early Mormonism believe that women received Priesthood authority through participation in the temple ritual? Was the Relief Society originally intended to be a female priesthood organization? This issue of One Eternal Round explores these subjects. Read More...

The Demise of the Patriarchal Priesthood

    Date: Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 5:00 PM

    It is occasionally observed that in the Nauvoo period there was greater emphasis on the power and ordinances of the temple than was later taught in Utah Mormonism. This issue of One Eternal Round explores how and when that authority was later minimized. Read More...

Presiding Patriarch, Lost Office of Mormonism

    Date: Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 2:50 PM

    The office of Presiding Patriarch was seen as an important office in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 19th century Mormonism. Yet, by the end of the 20th century the office would be retired and no longer exist. What was taught and understood about this office, and how did it go from being described as the “highest office of the church” to the office being done away with? Read More...

Patriarchal Succession and the Birthright of Joseph Smith

    Date: Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 2:30 PM

    The subject of patriarchal rights in the context of the post-1844 Mormon Succession Crisis is one that fascinates and has been a n interest for researchers over the years. A variety of sources in the LDS Church, the RLDS movement, and smaller branches of Mormonism provide fertile ground for study and research. Read More...

The One Anointed and Appointed, Part 2

    Date: Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 1:30 PM

    The subject of whether there is a “One Anointed and Appointed” over the Sealing Keys of Elijah is controversial and hotly debated among some sects of Mormonism — as it ultimately related to who has sealing authority — and does sealing authority necessarily need to be organized? The purpose of this issue of One Eternal Round is to bring further historical light to the matter, documenting what was taught and what the polices were understood from Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and John Taylor on this subject. Read More...

The One Anointed and Appointed, Part 1

    Date: Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 11:20 AM

    One hotly contested topic in discussing various claims to authority in Mormonism is the belief in there being an individual who is the “One Anointed and Appointed” over the Sealing Keys of Elijah. Those who believe in this office believe that all temple and sealing ordinances need to be done in union with this individual, or with their blessing. What did Joseph Smith teach about this office? This paper will document and address sources relating to the doctrine of the One Anointed and Appointed in the Nauvoo period. Read More...

The Prophet, Priest and King over the Kingdom of God

    Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 12:00 PM

    The first three Presidents of the LDS Church received a special ordination to be a ‘King over Israel’ — the presiding King and Priest, or “Prophet, Priest and King” over the House of Israel. This issue of One Eternal Round includes a never before published revelation to President John Taylor to be anointed to this office, as well as explored the lost concept in Nauvoo of there ideally being a Queen over Israel presiding alongside the Prophet, Priest, and King. Read More...

New Light on Joseph Smith’s “Last Charge”

    Date: Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 12:00 PM

    The meaning and significance of Joseph Smith’s “Last Charge” has been discussed and contested by scholars in recent years. With the recent release of the Council of Fifty minutes, new information has come to light about this event, but new questions are also raised. The purpose of this issue of One Eternal Round is to shed further light on what occurred at the Last Charge and the complete picture of what the Prophet originally intended the Council of Fifty to be. Read More...

King and Priest Endowments and the Washing of Feet

    Date: Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 12:00 PM

    There is one big historical change to the LDS Temple Ceremony that has not been adequately addressed up until now — that Joseph Smith ordained Kings and Priests and Queens and Priestesses in the original Washing and Anointing ceremony in the Nauvoo Endowment ritual. Today that is not the case: individuals are only anointed to eventually become as such in the modern Washing and Anointing. It is only in the Second Anointing today that men and women in the LDS Church receive an anointing that ordains them Kings and Priests and Queens and Priestesses. The history of when and why this change occurred will be addressed in this paper. This issue of One Eternal Round will also detail interesting changes in the LDS Church’s Second Anointing Ceremony during the last 120 years that have not been discussed before. Read More...

The Kingdom of God in a Family Capacity

    Date: Monday, July 15, 2019 at 12:00 PM

    This issue of One Eternal Round goes into the the purpose of the Priesthood of Kings and Priests and Queens and Priestesses in Nauvoo — the “Kingdom Building Doctrine” that was central to Joseph Smith Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo theology, which encompassed the principles of The Law of Adoption and Celestial Plural Marriage, which the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and other close followers of the Prophet tried to perpetuate after his death. Read More...

The Nauvoo Priesthood Developments

    Date: Saturday, June 15, 2019 at 12:00 PM

    An introduction to Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo teachings on Priesthood, about new higher orders of the Priesthood he was beginning to teach the saints about: the Prophet’s fundamental teachings about the Priesthood of Elijah, the Highest Order of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Second Anointing, and the Order of the Messiah.
    Also included is an appendix that contains a new amalgamated text of Joseph Smith’s August 27, 1843 “Three Grand Orders” speech on Priesthood. Read More...