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Succession to Brigham Young

    Published on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 9:00 PM

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    Brigham Young is considered to be one of the most controversial Church Presidents in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, potentially surpassing even the religion’s founder, Joseph Smith. While acknowledged by many believing members to be the legitimate successor to Joseph Smith and the great temporal leader needed after the Prophet’s death to preserve the Saints, still many find his spiritual leadership and prophetic calling lacking. This leads some to ask: Was Brigham Young considered to be a Prophet of God in his day, or just a temporal leader and Church President?

    Two miraculous events are sometimes referenced as evidence that Brigham Young was called of God to be Joseph Smith’s rightful successor. The first event was an alleged transfiguration of Brigham Young in 1844 to both look and sound like Joseph Smith, wherein Joseph and God showed the Saints that the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, led by President Young, should lead the Church. The second event is a lesser known miracle said to have occurred in December 1847. On December 5, 1847 it is alleged that the Quorum of the Twelve received a revelation calling Brigham Young to step forward and reorganize the Quorum of the First Presidency.

    Both of these events have been disputed by those who oppose succession to the Quorum of the Twelve, as well as by some academic historians. These issues then become the subjects of this issue of One Eternal Round: is there credible historical evidence to support the Transfiguration of Brigham Young? And is there evidence that the reorganization of the First Presidency in December 1847 was the result of revelation? This paper addresses the historical dialogue as well as new sources and perspectives concerning these events.

This issue of One Eternal Round can be discussed over at the One Eternal Round Facebook Group!